Slow The F/ck Down - Your Pathway To Clarity, Inner Peace And Joy.

It's time to connect with your inner landscape, your intuition, your body (and an intimate group) as we raise your vibration, have you experiencing more joy, and learning to LOVE LIFE again, (and manifesting more confidently as a by-product)

#iknow #winwinwin 

When we clear heaviness from our system and excavate what isn't serving us, magic unfolds.

What to expect: 4 powerful intimate guided sessions with Christine where she will have you experiencing freedom as you move through your feelings and fast track your transformation.

Feel nourished and supported as you sink into the precious time and space you have intentionally carved out, JUST FOR YOU. 

In each session we will connect to the body, the mind, and the spirit. We will process emotions, open the heart, and use different modalities to get energy moving through the body so that your life force energy and your creative juices can come back online in a big way. It will be an intimate group where you will soften into your center, lean back and fill up.


  •  Includes weekly zoom calls (4 total) that will be an experiential and sacred hour of YOU time. No expectations, no agenda, just a sweet space to unwind, fill up and amp up our vibe. It's amazing what can unfold when we carve out time for ourselves (especially when we feel like there is no way we can #neverendingdolists). When we operate from “flow state”, we collapse time on manifestations and magnetize more of what we want FAST!
  •  Bite-size homework pieces for integration if you desire to take the work further.
  •  Optional upgrade to use full investment towards my Monetize Your Magic Academy OR a 1:1 Transformation Intensive.

The Benefits/Outcome: Experience more clarity, ease, magnetism, feelings of inner peace, and presence in your day-to-day life. Amp up your intuition, create nervous system regulation and learn to truly receive and be present and available for life, family, kids, work, events or passions. You deserve to thrive and manifest a life you F/ng love✨.

 Because #truth: unless you address what’s happening internally, it can very hard to access your power, make changes and manifest what we desire. In the container you’ll feel held, deeply connected to yourself and rooted in your truth so you’re ready to face whatever comes in 2023 with a sense of empowerment and flow.

***We will be starting April 16th - program will run for 4 weeks total. All calls will be recorded and available for replay if you can't make it live + lifetime access.

$222.00 CAD

No refunds or transfers.

By clicking the purchase button you understand that this is a group container and online. 

You also understand I am not a licenced therapist or doctor and if you seek medical attention or extra resources to please email [email protected]